Sunday, 5 August 2012

How is class communication affected by online learning?

While not originally expected, student-to-student and faculty-to-student communication is enhanced when this medium is used correctly. According to Kubala, online students are " more willing to participate [due to] a measure of anonymity, which serves as a motivator." "People feel more empowered. They are daring and confrontational regarding the expression of idea." (Kubala, 1998) The reason for this behavior seems to be that the tools of the web, including forums, chats, and e-mail, increase student motivation and involvement in class activities. If dealing with younger learners or avid Internet users, they interact freely as they are very comfortable with the medium.

There are several reasons for the increase in student involvement in online classes as seen below. I suspect some of these factors are also an incentive to interact freely.
  1. Students view each others answers and learn through exposure to differing opinions. This helps them develop critical thinking and their own opinions.
  2. In this medium all students are equal and have the same opportunity to speak. No gender bias or other such issues exist and there is no issue of embarrassment of public speaking. In fact even shy students excel and interact aggressively in when in forums, chat, or via postings.
  3. Students have time to read, think and then express their ideas backing them with facts and searched information. This makes them feel more comfortable than speaking up in a traditional class without researching and backing their argument.
  4. Instructors are more accessible via chat, asynchronous posting, or e-mail. In this medium the instructors is more of an "equal", a peer with whom one interacts in the search of answers, rather than a class manager.

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